Standards Covered
M.EE.6.EE.3 - Apply the properties of addition to identify equivalent numerical expressions.
M.EE.7.EE.1 - Use the properties of operations as strategies to demonstrate that expressions are equivalent.
M.EE.8.EE.7 - Solve simple algebraic equations with one variable using addition and subtraction.
M.EE.7.EE.1 - Use the properties of operations as strategies to demonstrate that expressions are equivalent.
M.EE.8.EE.7 - Solve simple algebraic equations with one variable using addition and subtraction.
Algebraic Expressions
Learning Intention: Students will recognize equivalent algebraic expressions; represent the unknown in an equation; use properties of operation to generate equivalent expressions involving addition, subtraction, multiplication or division; identify equivalent number sentences; use symbols for equal and not equal.
Success Criteria:
Students will be successful when they can recognize equivalent algebraic expressions and use properties of addition to create an equivalent algebraic expression.
Essential Questions:
- What operation is needed in this problem?
- What are the known quantities and the unknown variable in the problem?
- What does the variable represent?
- What is the correct order for performing mathematical operations?
- How can the properties of operations be used to determine if two equations are equivalent?
- What is the difference between each of the numbers in this sequence?
- What is the rule for this sequence?
Success Criteria:
Students will be successful when they can recognize equivalent algebraic expressions and use properties of addition to create an equivalent algebraic expression.
Essential Questions:
- What operation is needed in this problem?
- What are the known quantities and the unknown variable in the problem?
- What does the variable represent?
- What is the correct order for performing mathematical operations?
- How can the properties of operations be used to determine if two equations are equivalent?
- What is the difference between each of the numbers in this sequence?
- What is the rule for this sequence?
Algebraic thinking is a process of solving problems in situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart and comparing, with unknowns in all positions. For early learners, using story problems or real-world scenarios, including use of manipulatives and models, are beneficial in helping students solve a problem. Students must reason when numbers are more than, less than or equal as they begin to recognize the meaning of the symbols +, - and = within an equation.
Algebra: A generalization of arithmetic in which letter symbols are used to represent unknown quantities so that we can generalize specific arithmetic relationships and patterns.
Algebraic expression: An algebraic expression is made up of three things: numbers, variables and operation signs such as + and –.
Algebra: A generalization of arithmetic in which letter symbols are used to represent unknown quantities so that we can generalize specific arithmetic relationships and patterns.
Algebraic expression: An algebraic expression is made up of three things: numbers, variables and operation signs such as + and –.
- add
- altogether
- count
- equal
- equation
- expression
- simplify
- solve
- variable
Algebraic Expression Practice, an interactive worksheet by laurenathey