Essential Element: SS.EE.Inq1: Wisconsin students will construct meaningful questions related to a social studies topic.
Target Level: Wisconsin students will construct meaningful questions related to a social studies topic.
Precursor Level: Wisconsin students will recognize the difference between open- and closed-ended questions and identify follow-up questions on a social studies topic.
Initial Level: Wisconsin students will develop closed-ended questions on a social studies topic.
Target Level: Wisconsin students will construct meaningful questions related to a social studies topic.
Precursor Level: Wisconsin students will recognize the difference between open- and closed-ended questions and identify follow-up questions on a social studies topic.
Initial Level: Wisconsin students will develop closed-ended questions on a social studies topic.
Essential Element: SS.EE.Inq2: Wisconsin students will gather and select reliable sources related to a social studies topic or issue.
Target Level: Wisconsin students will gather and select reliable sources related to a social studies topic or issue.
Precursor Level: Wisconsin students will identify what constitutes a reliable source in regard to a social studies topic or issue.
Initial Level: Wisconsin students will identify sources related to a social studies topic or issue.
Target Level: Wisconsin students will gather and select reliable sources related to a social studies topic or issue.
Precursor Level: Wisconsin students will identify what constitutes a reliable source in regard to a social studies topic or issue.
Initial Level: Wisconsin students will identify sources related to a social studies topic or issue.
Essential Element: SS.EE.Inq3: Wisconsin students will develop claims to answer an inquiry question.
Target Level: Wisconsin students will develop claims to answer an inquiry question.
Precursor Level: Wisconsin students will use multiple pieces of evidence to support their claim (opinion).
Initial Level: Wisconsin students will use one piece of evidence to support their claim (opinion).
Target Level: Wisconsin students will develop claims to answer an inquiry question.
Precursor Level: Wisconsin students will use multiple pieces of evidence to support their claim (opinion).
Initial Level: Wisconsin students will use one piece of evidence to support their claim (opinion).
Essential Element: SS.EE.Inq4: Wisconsin students will communicate and critique conclusions of a claim.
Target Level: Wisconsin students will communicate and critique conclusions of a claim.
Precursor Level: Wisconsin students will explore strengths and weaknesses of a claim.
Initial Level: Wisconsin students will communicate conclusions of a claim.
Target Level: Wisconsin students will communicate and critique conclusions of a claim.
Precursor Level: Wisconsin students will explore strengths and weaknesses of a claim.
Initial Level: Wisconsin students will communicate conclusions of a claim.
Essential Element: SS.EE.Inq5: Wisconsin students will be civically engaged.
Target Level: Wisconsin students will be civically engaged.
Precursor Level: Wisconsin students will identify potential solutions to issues of importance.
Initial Level: Wisconsin students will identify issues of importance.
Target Level: Wisconsin students will be civically engaged.
Precursor Level: Wisconsin students will identify potential solutions to issues of importance.
Initial Level: Wisconsin students will identify issues of importance.