Calendar Skills
Learning Intention...
I can analyze the and recall key elements of calendar skills.
I will be successful when I can...
I can analyze the and recall key elements of calendar skills.
I will be successful when I can...
- recall the days of the week independently 4 out of 5 opportunities with 100% accuracy.
- Identify how many days are in a week independently 4 out of 5 opportunities with 100% accuracy.
- identify how many weeks are in a year independently 4 out of 5 opportunities with 100% accuracy.
- identify how many days are in a year independently 4 out of 5 opportunities with 100% accuracy.
- recall the months in a year independently 4 out of 5 opportunities with 100% accuracy.
7 days are in a week
12 months are in a year
This is a neat trick to help remind you which months have 30 days and which have 31.
Each knuckle represents 31 days.
Each indent represents 30 days, except February has 28 days unless a leap year which has 29 days.
Calendar Questions:
- There are ___________ days in a week.
- What are the names of the days of the week?
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________
- There are __________ months in a year.
- What are the names of the months in a year?
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________
- There are ________ weeks in a year.
- There are ________ days in February in a Leap Year?
- There are __________ days in a regular year.
- There are __________ days in a Leap Year.
Interactive Games
Click the button below to play a matching calendar game.
Make your own copy to use interactively: